The Sounds of Clay “The Sounds of Clay” is a concert themed around musicality and the sounds produced by instruments made of clay. The essence of the show is twofold: the experience offered is both aural, through the sounds of the concert, and visual, thanks to the beauty of the instruments themselves. Description This is a journey that takes in different instruments collected from around the world. Their cultural origins are put into context with a brief introduction and a demonstration of their potential for resonance. An exhaustive selection has been made of percussion instruments, aerophones and sound objects from Spain, Mexico, India, Morocco and Portugal, among other countries. All the instruments are documented so that information can be presented about their history and functional purpose.
“The Sounds of Clay” is also an educational experience, insofar as it describes the artistic potential of clay in the construction of instruments and in the creation of music in particular. However, the concert is not just a vehicle for educational content, since it encourages audience participation, generating motivation and amazement at the wide range of possibilities offered by these instruments.
Maraca and whistle, Venezuela.
U Drum, Mexico.
Bijar, drum, India.
Double drum, Mexico.
Tibetan bowl.
Udu drum, Niger.
Ghatam, India.
Double Udu drum.
Bowls (Jaltarang), India.
Violin, India.
Ocarinas from Portugal, Brazil, Mexico and Bolivia.
Darbuka, Tunisia.
Horn, Castella.
Tabilat, Morocco.
Friction drum, Castelló.
Target Audience
The concert is aimed at a broad public: children, teenagers, adults and families. The concert is a unique and attractive cultural experience, so it is suitable for audiences of all ages.
Duration: 55 minutes.
Technical Requirements
A room, hall, theatre or auditorium with good acoustics.
Amplification, lighting.
The “Sons de Fang” (“Sounds of Clay”)
concert has been staged at:
La Llotja. Escola de Cerámica y Oficis Artístics de Barcelona.
Festes de Gracia. Barcelona. Museu de Cerámica de Cataluña. Fira del Càntir de Argentona 2004 Centro Cívic de Montornès del Vallès. Barcelona. Museu d’Arqueologia de Barcelona. Museu d’Arqueologia de Tarragona. Museu d’Arqueologia de Girona. 2ª Fira de Cerámica de Alcocer. Castelló. Conservatori de Música de Maó. Centre Cultural Ciutadella. Menorca. XVII Festival Pirineos Sur. Osca. VI Festival Re-Percussió. Canet de Mar. El batec d la terra. Convent de Sant Salvador. Horta de Sant Joan. DESCONCERTA’T. Cicle concerts Familiars. Auditori Caixa Tarragona. ICAT FM Radio. Cabaret Electric. Emissió en directe. CPAM Festival de Percusión de Centelles, Barcelona. Fundació Crisàlida.Església de Camporrells. Lleida. INAUDITO 09. Músicas y sonidos infrecuentes.Cubo de Revellín. Logroño El NIU. Espai artístic contemporani. Barcelona. TV. Badalona. Programa Nines Russes. Reportatge. Observatori de les Arts. Tiana. Festival ATAPERCU 2010. Atapuerca Burgos. Nits al museu. Museu Comarcal de la Garrotxa. Olot. Mercat de Música Viva Vic 2011.Teatre Atlántida. Escola Municipal de música Victòria dels Àngels Una hora de música en la Aula Magna. Sant Cugat del Vallès. Orfeó Lleidatà. Música intima. III Cicle de concerts a l’Església de Sant Martí. TV3 Catalunya /NYDIA, reportatge 2011. N.A.C.E 4 Feria Nacional de Alfareria y Cerámica Ruinas de San Juan de Acre. Navarrete ( Logronyo).2012 Teatre Palino. Baden, Suissa.2012 La Mussa Asociación Cultural. Vilassar de Dalt.2012
Nits a Can Gasull. Sant Vicenç de Montalt 2012
Feria del Càntir de Argentona 2013.
Espacio de creación El Rajolar,Ulldecona.Castellón
Feria de Alfareria y Cerámica de Avilés 2014
Feria de Alfareria y Ceràmica de la Rambla. Córdoba 2016
Feria de la Cacharreria de Madrid 2017
Alfaroleiros XXIV. Oleiros. Galicia 2018
Alfaroleiros XXV. Oleiros. Galicia 2019
Fira del l'Olla. Breda. Barcelona 2018
Fira del l'Olla. Breda. Barcelona 2021
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